Well, this was a pretty interesting endeavor. Not only was it staggering to watch a handmade pie walk out of the oven looking
like something you see in a magazine
But it was extremely diverting learning how to make a pie. Believe it or not, this was the first pie I've ever made. Albeit with the partnership of a friend, but still---I believe this counts as one of my accomplished baking ventures.

I think the meringue was supposed to be sweet...it tasted like how flavorless, solid foam probably tastes. I basically only enjoyed the filling and crust, whereas I was under the impression that the topping would be the winner, being utterly creamy and sugary. Ah well. Next time I'll dump a few more tablespoons into the meringue mixture and dazzle my taste-buds. As usual :D
There goes my modesty...
Next Adventure: Rainbow Tie-Dye Cake. Or Meringue Cookies. Just 'cause they sound relatively healthy and I might crave a home-baked snack before the weekend.